01268 284130

Charity shop

Our shops opening hours:

Monday - Wednesday, 9:30am - 4:30pm

Thursday - Saturday, 9:30am - 5:00pm

Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm

We are closed on Bank Holidays

The Basildon Mind Charity Shop is located at 37 East Walk in Basildon Town Centre, Essex. We are currently limiting the number of customers in our shop, and ask you to please use the hand sanitiser provided.

We are always looking for shop volunteers, so feel free to contact the shop on 01268 289700 or email us at shop@basmind.org if you are interested. Click here for a streetmap of the area.

Donations can be dropped off at the shop anytime we are open. We do ask that if you have a large amount to donate, that you give us a call to ensure that we have enough space to store your valuable donation.

We are now selling Adventure Island Theme Park and Sealife Adventure tickets at a special discount to our customers! See our Facebook page for more information.

For any other information call us on 01268 289700 or email us at shop@basmind.org

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Basildon-mind-charity-shop-110151664156289

Twitter: https://twitter.com/basildonmind?lang=en

We are also selling on eBay: https://bit.ly/2TXof4o 


Talk to us: 01268 284130