01268 284130
Basildon Mind is an independent mental health charity affiliated to the national Mind charity

Home section 2

We are Mind in Basildon 

We know that improved mental health and wellbeing leads to better outcomes for people of all ages and backgrounds including improved physical health, greater life expectancy, better educational achievement and increased employment opportunities. 

We also know reduced mental health increases the risk of mental health problems, self-harm and suicide.  People with mental health problems are often isolated, economically disadvantaged, socially excluded, discriminated against, afraid and alone. 

We all deserve the opportunities that improved mental health can bring. We all deserve the support we need to recover from mental health problems and end suffering.

A Guide to Our Services

Our latest brochure is available below to download.

Our Services Leaflet_29_Jan_2023.pdf

Privacy Policy

For information regarding our Privacy Policy, please download the below information.

Privacy Policy v1.02,12022021.pdf


We are a member of Mindful Employer

Mindful Employer Website: https://www.mindfulemployer.dpt.nhs.uk/

Talk to us: 01268 284130